General terms and conditions
These general conditions exclusively govern the sale of tickets for admission to the Parc de la Bambouseraie (hereinafter referred to as “the ticket or tickets” made on the website of the SAS BAMBOUSERAIE DE PRAFRANCE, whose head office is at 552 rue de Montsauve, 30140 GENERARGUES. They are subject to change without notice. The purchase of entrance tickets to the Parc de la Bambouseraie by the customer implies his express, prior, full and complete adherence to these general conditions.
These conditions apply to the exclusion of all other general conditions, in particular those in force for on-site general conditions or by the networks of partner general conditions.
Any document other than these general conditions and in particular catalogues, prospectuses, advertisements, has only an informative and indicative value, not contractual.
Tickets sold on the site are reserved to individuals.
Article 1 – Prices and number of tickets
1.1 Les prix des entrées sont indiqués sur les e-billets et/ou sur le ticket de caisse, en euro et toutes taxes comprises.
1.2 Only individual full fare, discounted and promotional tickets are available for purchase on the website of the
1.3 Visitors who may benefit from a reduced promotional rate must present their ticket and the supporting documents requested at the time of booking.
1.4 The total number of tickets in cumulative orders per person may not exceed 19, regardless of their price. The same person cannot circumvent this rule by several commands spaced in time.
1.5 All orders, regardless of origin, are payable in euros.
1.6 The rates applicable are those in force on the day of the order although SAS BAMBOUSERAIE DE PRAFRANCE reserves the right to change its prices at any time. The services will be charged on the basis of the rates in force at the time of the registration of orders.
1.7 Les billets vendus sur Internet permettent un accès en file prioritaire
en fonction de l'affluence.
Article 2 – Availability – period of validity
SAS BAMBOUSERAIE DE PRAFRANCE puts on its website a predefined amount of tickets. It reserves the right to increase or reduce the number of tickets on sale.
A ticket sold for a day of visit is valid for one year from the date of purchase except for promotional and special tickets or the period of validity in particular will be specified at the time of the offer.
Le parc de la SAS BAMBOUSERAIE DE PRAFRANCE est ouvert du 22 février au 09 novembre 2025.
The customer is informed, in real time, when placing his order, of the availability of the desired tickets.
The “My cart” page allows you to check that the order made corresponds to your wish. As long as the payment has not been registered, you have the option in the “My Cart” page to change the content of your order.
Article 3 – Information on tickets sold
The site presents the main features of the proposed tickets:
. Identification of the offeror:
SAS BAMBOUSERAIE DE PRAFRANCE 552 rue de Montsauve – 30140 GENERARGUES (France)
Téléphone : +33 04 66 61 70 47 – Courriel :
SIRET : 330 685 116000 15 – Code APE : 9104 Z
TVA CCE : FR 82 330 685 116
. QR CODE on paper whatever its format;
. Contenu de l’offre associée au billet. Les caractéristiques de l’offre associée aux billets vendus sont susceptibles d’être modifiées. De ce fait, les photographies et les textes décrivant l’offre associée aux billets ne sont pas contractuels.
. Prix en euros ;
. Date d’achat ;
. N° de la commande ;
. Nom de l’acheteur ;
. Conditions d’utilisation ;
. Date and validity of the ticket;
Article 4 – Payment
4.1 The payment of tickets by the customer on the site s’effectue exclusivement par carte bancaire. Les cartes acceptées pour le paiement d’une commande sont les cartes des réseaux suivants :
. Carte Bleue / Visa / Eurocard / Mastercard
4.2 La SAS BAMBOUSERAIE DE PRAFRANCE a pour obligation d’établir en double exemplaire un justificatif de transaction comportant :
. La date, l’heure et le montant de la transaction
Un exemplaire vous sera délivré par courriel à l’issue de la transaction.
Le deuxième exemplaire sera conservé pendant un an par la SAS BAMBOUSERAIE DE PRAFRANCE.
Article 5 – Securing payments and personal data
5.1 Securing Payments
Le site de la BAMBOUSERAIE DE PRAFRANCE fait l’objet d’un système de sécurisation.
SAS BAMBOUSERAIE DE PRAFRANCE has adopted the secure payment solution PAYBOX, which uses the SSL encryption process. The customer’s bank details are thus protected since only the payment agreement codes issued by the banks are kept.
The SAS BAMBOUSERAIE DE PRAFRANCE guarantees that the means and services of cryptology used to secure transactions have been the subject of an authorization or a declaration in application of the legislation in force.
In order to fight against fraud, SAS BAMBOUSERAIE DE PRAFRANCE reserves the right to use the personal data of the customer to contact him and ask him for the communication of his identity document.
5.2 Personal data
Conformément au Règlement Général sur la Protection des Données (RGPD) en vigueur depuis le 25 mai 2018, La SAS BAMBOUSERAIE DE PRAFRANCE s'engage à protéger les données personnelles de ses visiteurs, clients et partenaires.
Les informations et données vous concernant sont nécessaires à la gestion de votre commande et à vos relations avec la SAS BAMBOUSERAIE DE PRAFRANCE. Elles sont stockées dans la base de la SAS BAMBOUSERAIE DE PRAFRANCE. Les données sont conservées dans votre compte personnel par la SAS BAMBOUSERAIE DE PRAFRANCE : ces données permettent de mener à bien votre transaction. En outre, ces données, une fois enregistrées, vous permettent d'effectuer plus rapidement vos transactions futures.
Elles nous permettent éventuellement de vous contacter, dans la mesure du possible, en cas d'annulation ou d'une modification de la prestation pour laquelle vous avez acheté des billets dans le cadre de l'article 10.1 ci-après.
Vous pourrez, si vous le souhaitez, autoriser la SAS BAMBOUSERAIE DE PRAFRANCE à vous adresser ses lettres d'information et à vous informer de ses futurs évènements, par SMS ou courrier électronique.
Vous pourrez également, si vous le souhaitez, recevoir par SMS ou courrier électronique des propositions commerciales des partenaires de la SAS BAMBOUSERAIE DE PRAFRANCE.
Si vous souhaitez ultérieurement ne plus recevoir ces informations, vous devrez adresser un courrier électronique à l'adresse suivante :
Conformément à la réglementation en vigueur, vous disposez des droits suivants :
- Droit d'accès : obtenir la confirmation que des données vous concernant sont traitées et en recevoir une copie
- Droit de rectification : demander la correction de vos données si elles sont inexactes
- Droit à l'effacement : demander la suppression de vos données sous certaines conditions
- Droit à la portabilité : recevoir vos données dans un format structuré
- Droit à la limitation du traitement : demander la suspension temporaire de l’utilisation de vos données
- Droit d’opposition : vous opposer au traitement de vos données pour des motifs légitimes ou à des fins de prospection commerciale
- Droit de retirer votre consentement à tout moment lorsque celui-ci a été demandé
Pour exercer vos droits, contacter le service clientèle (dont les coordonnées figurent à l'article 11 ci-dessous) en indiquant vos nom, prénom, adresse et si possible votre référence client. Votre courrier doit être signé et accompagné de la photocopie d'un titre d'identité portant votre signature. Une réponse vous sera alors adressée dans un délai de 2 mois suivant la réception de la demande.
5.3 Cookies
SAS BAMBOUSERAIE DE PRAFRANCE uses cookies to offer its customers the best possible quality of service:
. Session cookies, essential to the operation of a commercial site, make it possible to operate your basket, to display the promotional offers reserved for you. They are destroyed as soon as you leave the site.
. Disk cookies anonymously collect data used for statistical purposes (frequency of visits, etc.)
You can disable the use of cookies by selecting the appropriate settings of your Internet browser. However, such deactivation may prevent the use of certain features of this site. By using this website, you expressly consent to the processing of this personal data under the conditions and for the purposes described above.
Article 6 – Validation
You declare that you have read these terms and conditions before placing your order and have accepted them. The validation of your order therefore constitutes acceptance of these general conditions.
Unless proven otherwise, the recorded data constitute proof of all transactions made by SAS BAMBOUSERAIE DE PRAFRANCE and its customers.
Article 7 – Order confirmation
Your ticket order is definitively confirmed and commits the SAS BAMBOUSERAIE DE PRAFRANCE only upon receipt of the email sent by the contact center confirming that the order has been validated.
As a result, we invite you to check your email or mail.
On the other hand, the archiving of orders and proof of payment is carried out on a reliable and irreversible medium in order to correspond to a faithful and durable copy, in accordance with article 1348 of the Civil Code.
Article 8 – Procedure for ordering and obtaining tickets
8.1 – The procedure for ordering and obtaining tickets on the site is as follows:
Step 1 : Make the selection of the chosen ticket
Step 2 : Make the choice of the desired amount of tickets
Step 3 : Add to cart and check your cart
Step 4 : Proceed to your identification and registration on the site
Step 5 : Make your payment by entering your credit card number on the Paybox page (secure payment)
Step 6: Receive the order confirmation.
Step 7: Edit your ticket or tickets upon receipt of the order confirmation email.
8.2 – For any payment, the debit is made as soon as the order is validated on the website of the SAS BAMBOUSERAIE DE PRAFRANCE. The debit card is independent of the printing of the tickets.
8.3 – The proof of payment is sent to the email address you specify during the order process.
8.4 – You will need to take all necessary precautions to keep your credentials and password secret.
Article 9 – Conditions of use of tickets
9.1- Tickets are only valid if they are printed on white A4 paper, blank front and back. The customer can print his ticket in black and white or color.
Partially printed, soiled, damaged or illegible tickets will not be accepted and will be considered invalid.
The customer must ensure that the information written on the ticket, as well as the barcode, is clearly readable.
9.2 – Entrance to the Bambouseraie park is subject to ticket validity control.
SAS BAMBOUSERAIE DE PRAFRANCE reserves the right to check the identity of the customer at the entrance of the Bambouseraie park.
The customer must therefore be provided with a valid official identity document and with his photograph (identity card, passport, driving license, residence card).
9.3 – It is strictly forbidden to resell, reproduce, duplicate or counterfeit a ticket in any way.
The SAS BAMBOUSERAIE DE PRAFRANCE may refuse access to the Bambouseraie park if it realizes that several prints or reproductions of a ticket are in circulation and that access to the Bambouseraie park has already been granted to the bearer of a print or a reproduction.
The SAS BAMBOUSERAIE DE PRAFRANCE is not obliged to verify the identity of the person in possession of the ticket printable at home, nor to verify the authenticity of the ticket insofar as the copy of the ticket cannot be detected in a certain way, only the first person presenting the ticket or a reproduction thereof will be admitted to the Bambouseraie park. This person is presumed to be the legitimate bearer of the ticket.
In this case, if the person holding a ticket is refused access to the Bambouseraie park, he will not be entitled to any refund of the price paid.
9.4 – SAS BAMBOUSERAIE DE PRAFRANCE declines all responsibility for any anomaly that may occur during the ordering, processing or printing of the ticket to the extent that it has not intentionally caused them
Similarly, SAS BAMBOUSERAIE DE PRAFRANCE cannot be held responsible in case of loss, theft or illicit use of the ticket.
Article 10 – Cancellation and refund
10.1 – A ticket cannot be refunded, returned or exchanged. Weather conditions can force us to close the park suddenly for safety reasons (strong wind, thunderstorm, etc.). A ticket may not also be resold at a higher price than its face value.
10.2 – In accordance with Article L 121-21-8 of the French Consumer Code, the purchase of entrance tickets to a botanical park, equivalent to a provision of leisure services, does not give right to any withdrawal period.
Article 11 – Customer service
Our customer service is available at the following email address:
or by post to the following address:
Customer service
552 rue de Montsauve
Article 12 – Responsability
You must check the ticket(s) and online purchase confirmation at the time they are delivered or received in your email.
The SAS BAMBOUSERAIE DE PRAFRANCE cannot be held responsible for any non-performance resulting from force majeure, beyond its control, including in particular cases of interruption of transport, strike, exceptional weather conditions, fire…
The SAS BAMBOUSERAIE DE PRAFRANCE cannot also be held responsible in case of unavailability of the service resulting from a case of force majeure and in particular:
– any anomalies of the customer’s computer equipment,
– Internet network unavailability,
– Unpredictable and insurmountable facts of a third party to the contract.
Finally, you are solely responsible for the use by yourself or by a third party of the tickets sold.
The purchase of a ticket also implies your adherence to the rules of the Parc de la Bambouseraie to which you will strictly comply.
Article 13 – Intellectual Property
The content of the site is the property of SAS BAMBOUSERAIE DE PRAFRANCE and is protected by French and international laws relating to intellectual property.
Any total or partial reproduction of this content is strictly prohibited and is likely to constitute an infringement.
Article 14 – Applicable Law – Disputes
Ticket sales referred to in these general conditions are subject to French law.
All disputes to which these conditions may give rise, concerning their validity, interpretation, performance, termination, consequences and consequences will be submitted to the competent courts under the conditions of common law.
Médiateur de la consommation (Articles L611-1 à L616-3)
Après avoir saisi le service client et à défaut de réponse satisfaisante dans un délai de 60 jours, le client peut saisir le médiateur du Tourisme et du Voyage, dont les coordonnées et modalités de saisine sont disponibles sur son site:
Mme Sophie Huberson, Délégué Général du Snelac (Syndicat National des Espaces de Loisirs, d'Attractions et Culturels), dont le siège social se situe, 2 rue de Constantinople à Paris 8ème, atteste que depuis le 1er janvier 2016 le Snelac est adhérent de la Médiation Tourisme et Voyage (MTV), 15 avenue Carnot 75017 Paris.
L'adhésion du SNELAC à la MTV Association Médiation Tourisme et Voyage, CS 30958 – 75383 PARIS CEDEX 08, permet à tous les membres exploitants de bénéficier des services de cette organisation dont La SAS BAMBOUSERAIE DE PRAFRANCE 552 rue de Montsauve 30140 Générargues.
Article 15 – Pre-contractual Information
Le client reconnait avoir eu communication, préalablement à la conclusion du contrat, d'une manière claire et compréhensible, des présentes Conditions Générales de Vente et de toutes les informations renseignements visés à l'article L 121-19 du Code de la Consommation
Article 16 – Plan Vigipirate renforcé
L'état Français est plan Vigipirate renforcé ’à ce titre nous ne prendrons pas de